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Español: empezar una granja de productos lácteos, Português: Começar a Gerir uma Fazenda de Gado Leiteiro, Italiano: Avviare un Allevamento di Mucche da Latte, Русский: открыть молочную ферму, Deutsch: Einen Milchviehbetrieb gründen, Français: démarrer un élevage laitier, Nederlands: Een melkveebedrijf beginnen, Bahasa Indonesia: Memulai Peternakan Susu, 中文: 开办奶牛场, العربية: بدء مشروع مزرعة ألبان, हिन्दी: डेयरी फ़ार्म शुरू करिए

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What is the Gateway to dairy production and products?

A neutral platform that provides a wide range of material about milk production and products in developing countries. The Gateway allows users to share information, video and picture stories, and experiences.

It is estimated that more than 750 million people around the world are engaged in milk production.


Dairy Milk Production In The Philippines

Soutenir un développement à basses émissions des secteurs laitiers pastoraux et agropastoraux en Afrique de l’Ouest (Bénin, Burkina-Faso, Mali, Niger & Sénégal)

4th Global Dairy Congress Asia 2018- Embracing New Technology and Trend for Future Growth in Asian Dairy Market

11/06/2019 - 12/06/2019

3rd International Symposium on “Milk, driver of Development”

Dairy Milk Production Project

12/06/2019 - 13/06/2019

15th African Dairy Conference & Exhibition

Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC), Nairobi, Kenya